More than 3 million people in North Carolina have mental health or substance use disorders, according to the NC Department of Health and Human Services
Rowan County Board of Commissioners recognized Sheriff Kevin Auten and Clerk to the Board Carolyn Barger for their unmatched professionalism, commitment to duty, and service to Rowan County citizens.
The Town of Landis has announced the appointment of Phil Conrad as their Interim Town Manager. Mr. Conrad has agreed to serve as Interim Town Manager from November 30, 2022, until March 31, 2023, at which any additional needs or service time will be discussed by the Board of Alderman.
Bonsai hobbyists, gardeners, and art lovers all can enjoy the beauty of these small trees when bonsai artists and vendors from all over the USA will display their trees
Seven local children and teens gathered at Salisbury’s City Hall over the first weekend in November for film, fun and food as part of Inside|Out Global’s Fall 2022 Video Camp.