Special thanks to Queen City News' Sydney Heiberger for interviewing #rowancountync Veterans Services Director Justan Mounts and Program Advisor Matthew Saylor about the County's efforts to create a Veterans Treatment Court.
The Treatment Court program would offer mental health, housing and job assistance, and any other resources needed to allow veterans with a non-violent offense to stay out of jail and successfully re-enter society.
"This program is geared toward keeping people from reoffending; keeping people out of recidivism statistics and bringing them back into the community being functional," said Mounts. Saylor shared that 35% of offenders in NC recommit crimes, but that rate drops to just 10% for those within treatment programs.
Watch the interview at https://www.fox46.com/.../rowan-county-working-to-create.../.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/rowancountync/posts/pfbid0nFBKL8hwdXnEmEoeKZ4tue7U6bes1zCXtdut4ZYucg5hgx2RoEA4LECp9K3PY8ZWl