Salisbury will serve as the backdrop for an upcoming Hallmark Movie beginning next week. The production may affect travel near Salisbury High School, homes along the 400 block of South Fulton Street, and the 100 block of East Fisher Street, Tuesday, June 28 through Friday, July 1. Intermittent road closures also may occur on Saturday, July 2 along South Fulton Street. Detour signage will be in place.
Expected road closures and/or traffic shifts include:
Tuesday, June 28
400 Block of South Fulton Street from West Monroe to West Horah Streets
300 block of West Horah Street from South Fulton to South Jackson Streets
Wednesday, June 29 (and possibly Saturday, July 2)
400 Block of South Fulton Street from West Monroe to West Horah Streets
300 block of West Horah Streets from South Fulton to South Jackson Streets
Friday, July 1
200 block of South Main Street from Bank to Fisher Streets
100 block of East Fisher Street from South Main to South Lee Streets
Residents, merchants and downtown visitors will have access to homes and businesses during filming.
Closures are subject to change and weather permitting. Please check for updates. Stay connected to traffic alerts by signing up for free RoCo Text Alerts. Simply text the word Salisbury to 888-777 or customize your free email or text alerts by visiting
An air date for the movie is unknown.